I know this is going to sound like a stupid question but I have to back up my point and I figured I would ask the group of knowledgeable umpires on here.
I work for a Park & Rec league in the summer and we went over umpiring rules this morning. The question came up if the batter's boxes were fair or foul territory. Some people were saying that the foul lines extend through the box and anything in front is obviously fair, etc. And then a few individuals felt that the entire box was foul, regardless of where in the box the ball lies. Now how I take it, reading the definition of a fair ball in the rule book, as long as the ball is in front of the line, its fair. Yes? Any other mention of this ruling in the rule book
It is also still a fair ball if it is first touched or comes to rest ON the line. The line itself is included in fair territory.