Thread: Civility
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Old Fri May 26, 2006, 08:40pm
SAump SAump is offline
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Talking Middle of the Line-UP NOT accounted for.

The regular INMATES have already accounted for SIX premium spots in my batting lineUP. Asking for anyone with playing experience. Who would you put in the other three spots on this very LOUSY TEAM.

Leading off: JRUT, need someone like HIM at the top of the lineup.
Batting second: SAump, handles the SAC well
Batting third: PWL, doesn't have great power but a solid hitter
Cleanup: Windy, thinks he has all 5 tools

Battting fifth: Large OPENING within
Batting sixth: HELP wanted inside
Batting seventh: Aim to fill HIGHER vacancy

Batting eight SDS, sorely needed as the infield utility player
Batting ninth BIGump, Can't HIT worth a shOt, but he throws a mean riser.

Last edited by SAump; Fri May 26, 2006 at 08:49pm.