Thread: Civility
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Old Fri May 26, 2006, 07:07pm
WhatWuzThatBlue WhatWuzThatBlue is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 760
If you have ever attended a professional school or clinic, you quickly learn that we don't sing "We are Family." There is barking and direct confrontation. Respect is earned and quickly lost - umpires should know two things: 1) You are only as good as your last call and 2) you should learn to grow thick skin.

This board treats issues fairly well. Some umpires have a problem staying on topic and dance when they offer an opinion that is proven false. The beauty of the internet is that one can remain anonymous, if one so chooses. Some umpires are not compelled to use a legal name, as it is of no import. They realize that they are not doing this for ego or personal gain. If you, as an umpire, stroll the field with the air of the elite, then I can understand why it is important to see legal names posted here. I suggest that you have your name stitched onto the back of your shirt or jacket too.

Civility is a double edged sword. If I agree with Tom then Dick may think I'm slighting him for disagreeing with his view. I'll never understand why umpires are afraid to state their opinions and live with the consequences. When you make a call on the field, you'd better be prepared for a challenge.

I've been called just about every name in the book - on the field and off. They are simple words and cause me little concern. I am well versed with the English language and usually can parry with the best of them. I have never written anything here that I wouldn't say to another's face. Often, the case is that the other member's ability to argue effectively is running on empty. Communication is a primary skill of umpiring. Learn how to listen and reply.

The biggest shortfall of this and any other internet discussion board is the inability of some to read. The message is lost when preconceived notions creep in. Like judging a play before it happens, it looks horrible and usually results in the umpire getting reprimanded.

This board is what it opportunity to present an opinion. Umpires do this daily and deal with the ramifications. Nothing is worse than seeing how the other boards handle rule interps:
Ump1- rule 14-3-8 states that it should always be called this way.
Ump2- I agree.
Ump3- Good call, blue.
Ump4- I once had this happen and I used 14-3-8 to make the call.
Ump5- Ump1 nailed are you blue?
Ump6- Thanks for the nice words Ump5, it was easy.
Ump7- The first umpire got this right. Don't look any further.
Ump8- Ump2 onced posted this play. Ump1 is dead on.
Ump9- Hey, everybody, 14-3-8 is the answer.
Ump10- Thanks Ump9, welcome to the board.

Blah, blah, blah, kiss, kiss, kiss, yada, yada, yada...

A little confrontation does an ump's soul good. Hijacking posts is the tactic of those who need glory instead of anonymity. My arm is plenty long enough to pat myself on the back, I don't require adoration or kudos. I don't get them on the field and use a nom de net to remind myself that being an umpire is just a function of the game. If you believe the praise then you better be able to accept the boos.
"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.
You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.
~Naguib Mahfouz

Last edited by WhatWuzThatBlue; Fri May 26, 2006 at 07:09pm.