Originally Posted by BobMc
Can a player on offence tip the ball up (from a rebound) in the direction of the basket and tip it again even if the ball does not hit anything?
Not only can he tip it but he can shoot it, not hit anything, catch it, shoot it again, not hit anything, catch it, shoot it again, not hit anything, catch it, shoot it again, not hit anything, catch it, shoot it again, not hit anything, catch it, shoot it again, not hit anything, catch it, shoot it again,.......
...you get the idea. It's completely legal as long as you view it as a shot.
With tipping, there is no player control until the player holds or dribbles the ball (see NevadaRef's rule reference above.) So in theory, he could tip the ball all around the court and it would be legal.
Bottom line- what you describe is perfectly legal!