We are all talking about two different things, in my mind, the double play neighborhood "rule" and the tag play.
Double Play: If the infielder has to make no extra ordinary effort to catch the ball (throw is on the money) and his timing is smooth coming across the bag... he's out. Its the way the majority of excellent umpires do it, safety in numbers.
Tag Play: I see both sides of this one. Not long ago I was the catcher that always made good tags, and would make great slides and be called out. Game management should not interfere with right/wrong calls. If you aren't exactly sure what you saw, OUT! If you see him squeek in for sure, SAFE! Then when the coach comes "Coach, he missed the tag by a good foot." But you really have to be sure if you call him Safe. Anything before about 90% sure and he should be Out, in my mind.