Originally Posted by CoachJM
And does anybody have any idea what "unslaked lime" is & how it would differ from "slaked lime"?
SLAKED LIME-This is the common name for Calcium Hydroxide: It is lime (crushed limestone) combined with water or moist air to create a paste or liquid (limewater or hydrated lime).
UNSLAKED LIME-This is the powdered, course product of crushing limestone.
Lime in many forms is caustic and can burn skin and fabric- thus the change to modern chalk.
Incidently, the use of unslaked lime has given us some of our most revered traditions including the kicking of dirt, etc. on umpires (lime will make very short work of wool pants), and catchers wiping out the back lines of the batter's boxes (they were afraid of pitches in the dirt and shuffling around the plate getting the lime into their eyes).
Anyway...that's what lime is!