Originally Posted by Rachel
I agree with AtlUmpSteve.
Does it have a material effect on the game?
Another question in this same vein. Do you call leaving early if they aren't stealing? You can probably guess my answer.
That one I have more trouble with, although it is clearly a Billy P. philosophy; and knowing where you are, of course that is one of your teachers. My problem is that we are to call leaving early immediately, with a "no pitch"; and to me, to be believable and credible, that call has to happen before the ball reaches the plate. Later than that, we are in danger of appearing to decide who, and when we choose to enforce the rule against. In order to know that an aggressive lead isn't a steal, you just can't wait that long without losing some credibility.
I understand the philosophy and the rationale (and have the greatest respect for Billy P.); just have some issues getting that timing right, without appearing to pick and choose when to enforce.