Thu May 25, 2006, 06:45am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 14,616
Originally Posted by Whistles & Stripes
OK, it's that time of the year, kind of, where there ain't much going on, so I thought I'd liven things up a bit.
I'm wondering how much people around the country are getting paid per game for Varsity and JV games (High School). If you don't mind sharing your location and how much you make per game below, I'd appreciate it. Also, does the school get charged per official? per game?
And what happens if for instance, it's a per game fee, and for some reason, one guy can't make a game so instead of a 5 man crew, the game only gets 4....Do you still get paid the full fee, or is it prorated for the 4 that make it?
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