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Old Thu May 25, 2006, 01:51am
nickrego nickrego is offline
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In my limited experience...

95% of the umpires I observed, or worked with, that had inconsistent zones, also had timing issues.

Snap judgments, even if you wait to make your call, will kill you every time. My guess, even though you feel your timing is good, is that your are making your decision too quickly.

Try this timing / mechanic;

1) Look at each batter before the first pitch to them, and visualize your high and low limits for their zone. Remember, Top and Bottom changes for every batter. Error to the LOW side for BOTH Top & Bottom.

2) Look the pitch all the way into the catcher's glove, without moving your head.

3) Ask yourself, did the catcher catch the ball ?

4) Ask yourself, was it a Strike. Don't worry about asking yourself if it was a Ball. If it wasn't a Strike, it's a ball by default. You ask if it is a Strike, because we are looking for Strikes.

5) Click off what you think the pitch was on your Indicator, if you use one.

6) Make your call.

And keep this in mind; If you don't hear someone, anyone, make a comment about how slow you are to make your pitch calls, your probably working too fast (for an amateur). Don't try to mimic the timing of Pro umpires. They are working in a completely different world than we do, with a different set of rules.
Have Great Games !

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