Little League softball substitutions
Hi! Looking for a Little League Softball rules expert. LL softball has a wild substitution rule 3.03.
Please tell me if these are true statements.
1. A starter may be substituted for prior to playing six outs and completing a time at bat since she can return later to complete her playing requirements.
2. Only a starter may reenter the game. A substitute who leaves the game is done unless she returns under the injury exception listed in 3.03 Note2.
3. When a starter leaves the game, she may not reenter until the player she replaces has plays six defensive outs and completed one time at bat.
4. When a starter reenters the game, she may do so in any spot in the batting order.
5. If a team players do not all complete their playing requirements, the game still stands. The team must get those players the rest of their required playing time for the game they were shorted in plus all of their required playing time for the next game at the start of the next game.
Thanks in advance for your input.