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Old Wed May 24, 2006, 12:52pm
Justme Justme is offline
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Posts: 477
Originally Posted by mattmets
Thanks a lot!
You have to work higher in the GD Stance. The trade-off is getting a longer look at the ball because you are standing about 3' behind F2 (You also save your knees).

My guess is that you are not following the pitch all the way. Maybe moving you're head too much or moving your entire body. At lower levels of baseball some umpires tend to move too much out of fear that F2 will not catch the ball. A couple of weeks ago I filled in for a friend working 2 Mustang division (Pony) games. I had balls bouncing off me all day (at least they don't throw very hard).

Like I said it's impossible to tell for sure unless I see you work. Bottom line you need to have someone look at you and work with you.
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