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Old Wed May 24, 2006, 12:15pm
fastpitch fastpitch is offline
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Location: Suwanee, GA
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Good examples all, if the coach comes out on every play he loses respect and most likely the opportunity to get help. There were lots of situations my assistants would be looking at me to go ask for help when there was nothing to ask for. If I could not come up with a valid question I stayed in the dugout. I would usually say something like, I believe you were blocked by the other fielder and she juggled or dropped the ball or didn't that rule change this year, etc.

How about some good examples of when the coach is yelling at you across the field. Any good examples of embarrassing the stupid coaches when they try to embarrass you without tossing them? I had a coach ask me this year if his runner was out since she got hit with the ball before reaching 2B. I said coach, "it was a thrown ball" (he had to think about that) I could have said it loudly, but he asked privately and was not yelling at me across the field.
Mike R Suwanee, GA
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