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Old Wed May 24, 2006, 11:27am
Justme Justme is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 477
Originally Posted by mattmets
I'm in my third year of umpiring. I've had the plate quite a few times, and I feel I have a well-established strike zone (fairly large). My problem is that I find myself being inconsistent, especially high and low. I used to use a strict box stance and found myself calling low pitches quite often. Last year I switched to the GD and found that seeing low pitches is much easier. However, it is still a problem. Anyone have any advice for becoming more consistent with knee-high pitches? Is it just a matter of gaining experience, or is there something I can change when I work tomorrow?
Without seeing you work this is a difficult question to answer.

Several questions come to mind.

(1) Are you watching the ball all the way to F2's mitt?
(2) Are you keeping your head still?
(3) Are you getting a good view of the plate?
(4) Is your timing good? Are you waiting/reading the pitch before making the call?
(5) You say you use the GD Stance, I'd need to see how you set up. Is your stance consistent? How's your head height, etc.

I would recommend that you find an experienced umpire in your area to evaluate you during an actual game. Attend a clinic where you can receive some instruction. Especially if you're using the GD Stance, it takes getting used to (I use it & like it).

Good Luck
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