Originally Posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
This was turnabout and it revved up the Cubnation. Think about it...Barrett is being deified while Pierzynski is looking like the career long punk he is.
Wait, hold the phone here......I almost missed this, and then I reread the post. Where on the planet Earth (besides on the North Side of Chicago, and all the little hamlets which make up the state of Illinois) is Barrett being deified? Certainly not in the mainstream media. Almost all the baseball pundits (except for Jay Marriotti, for example) said that although AJ is a big a-hole, Barrett should get the book thrown at him, and that what he did was totally chickensh*t.
So, yeah, I guess in the Cubnation everyone thinks Barrett is a big hero for the sucker punch, the majority opinion is that Piersynski was the true victim in this case.
BTW, I can speak of the little hamlets because I used to live in one of them.