Similar all over. Worked 4 relatively important varsity games last week - not a problem with a coach, fan, or player all week.
Then, during my 11 game Saturday, including 8 consecutive 8U games (double elim tourney), one team was so bad during their 3 games that I had to use the non-ejection ejection of a fan (getting coach to remove him). The more colorful of the comments, "You need to have a geometry lesson" (creative, if meaningless), "What the F--- was that call?" (Yes, this in front of their 7 and 8 year old children), "They (the other team) must pay you better" (This not being their THIRD strike ... more like 20th .... but this being the one that pushed me into removing him).
And of course, during the 12U portion of the day, I get followed to the parking lot and berated after I've changed into plategear, including top-volume screaming as I'm walking away, at least 30 yards from him --- all over the fact that I wouldn't stop the other team's coaches from telling them where to throw the ball.
Crazy parents.
"Many baseball fans look upon an umpire as a sort of necessary evil to the luxury of baseball, like the odor that follows an automobile." - Hall of Fame Pitcher Christy Mathewson