Thread: Best Game Ever?
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Old Mon May 22, 2006, 04:11am
crazy voyager crazy voyager is offline
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lucky her. I have played a game in sudden death (no I'm not kidding)

there's a cup that has quite, "special" *coughs* rules. They make own adjustments, one is that you play sudden death insted of full OT. I have once (as a player) ended up in a SD game, god

we both had team fouls, started with a jump ball (not the AP as usuall) and we got the ball. Our PG goes for a drive, foul, two shots, he misses both. The other team comes back, they take a quite bad shot (their coach weren't happy) and we rebound it. Goes up again and the same thing happens, PG drives, gets fouled. Two ft's, misses both again, C grabs the offensive board and puts it in. That must've been the longest 1½ minute in my life

and this were a few years ago, actually 3, we were 12 when playing this, and our PG is one year younger (playing with elders) so he was 11. I don't think he would miss thos FT's today, but god that was a nerve breaker game (it was fun though)

as for good ref excperiences I'll come back with a story later
All posts I do refers to FIBA rules
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