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Old Mon May 22, 2006, 12:51am
griff901c griff901c is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 83
[QUOTE=DTQ_Blue]I'm a second year blue and learning a lot. In a Middle School game I was BU and had a runner steal second. He slid, didn't ask for time and immediately began to stand up. His left foot was right on the base, as he rose he puts the right foot on the ground about an inch off the base, then lifts the left foot off the base and puts it back down on the base. All the while the F4 is holding the glove/ball on the runner's back, so I called the runner out when the left foot came off the base. Coaches of the batting team were PO'd at me.

BUSH league..F4 holding glove on runner after runner has aquired base is school yard crap Tell F4 "let him up..lets play ball" no time muss fuss
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