Juulie - I can't answer for him, but as you know, I am on the Board of our local rec league and therefore have powers beyond the scope of most of the other refs (two other refs are on the board) when I work those games. We are responsible to making sure none of the kids in the program are verbally abused by anyone, including their own coaches.
Last year I kicked a coach out of a game for yelling at one of his players (8th grade girl). First I reminded him that I was a Board member (which he already knew) and that he signed a code of conduct prior to the season stating, among other things, he would not verbally abuse his players, and that he was violating that and needed to knock it off immediately and apologize to the girl in front of the team.
He told me he was sorry (not sarcastically, but seemed sincere), however he then proceeded to continue to berate the girl! I tossed him right there and then, and reported this to our voicemail line immediately after the game. The executive committee of the Board held a telephone conference within a few days and kicked the guy out of the league - forever! Two weeks later, I had the same team and the parents of the girl who was involved brought me cookies. I thanked them but told them I couldn't accept them, and besides, they weren't supposed to have food in the gym. They took the cookies outside and fed them to the birds.
This year that same coach has a younger kid in the program and wanted to coach. NOPE! This season starts in two weeks and I know I will have some of his kids games. The guy hasn't been banished from spectating, but the first time he opens his mouth to me on anything, he's toast. We have a zero tolerance rule on yelling at refs in this league and it covers parents.
Yom HaShoah