By the way since I never got that survey (It must have been one of those state instead of metro things) somebody put a check by the navy blue shorts with the baby blue shirt for me. Ooops I guess that only a slow-pitch thing for leagues. I cant believe you guys down in south Texas cant wear shorts for slow-pitch I love em and cant see anything wrong with em when its 100+% days here. NSA and SPA both allowed shorts in their tournaments that they had here in slow pitch
Oh yeah, and for Mike it was a beautiful day here in Dallas about 60% and sunny. How was it up there in the Northeast.. (just kidding)it great to be a Texan and hope you come down in September for the National ASA men's D slow-pitch we are hosting here in Plano Tx
[Edited by oppool on Dec 28th, 2001 at 05:49 PM]