Originally Posted by justmom
JEL: NO!, you haven't seen everything!
Summer rec league, (about 6 towns/schools play each other) 7th/8th grade girls fastpitch game. Umpire looks like a H.S. boy. He put on shin guards with his hometown-school-colors baggy athletic shorts, (Bad enough, right) but THEN he puts on a chest protector and pulls a tank top over it!  It was one of those tank tops with the REALLY low cut armpits, too. I'm thinking, "Boy, why bother with a shirt at all"?
Must have looked like a mini-Herman Munster! So we have Otis Campbell on one field and mini-Herman on one field, and perhaps a couple of Gomer Pyles on another.
P.S. eek is right!... But even worse that the visual you and others have described is having to view a coach yelling out "What about the base-line ump"? And hearing a few of the same comments from a few fans who don't even have a clue about the base-path rules! In watching a video of the game where I ejected the head caoch I enjoyed watching again one of the best base running performances I have seen. And this from an eight year old girl. But along with this thing of beauty I had to see, and hear, one of the worst coaching performances I've ever seen from a head-coach with his "What about the base line ump" nonsense. I also got to hear the head-coach get a mouth-full from a woman that didn't like him pulling his team into a forfeit just because he was ejected! I enjoyed hearing their 3rd base coach fighting with another assistant coach because he sent a girl home from 3rd when a throw to the catcher was off line and got passed her. During the actual game I heard all this, and almost went over to their dugout to remind them of ethics rules and sportmanship, but the kids seemed to be oblivious to him yelling back at the other coach... "I'll turn in my Jersey! I don't need you to tell me what my job is! I have to watch the whole left end of the field"!
But it really was a terrible choice to send her because (at this field the backstop is close to the plate, the runner he sent had just been held up on 3rd base, (no momentum), and there was no one out!). Bad choice for sure, especially knowing the catcher is a good player. Well, that out, and lost run that would have scored later, just added to the frustration of seeing their lead go away in the next inning. I guess it also helped put the head coach into a foul mood that ended up getting him ejected. ...Nothin like fun at the ole' ball park. ...Al
I have a question. ..When the ejected coach called his team to line up and told me the game is over should I have told him you cannot speak for the team you are no longer coaching the rest of this game? My wife watched the video and asked me why I let him line up his team and speak for his team, when he was ejected. I didn't have an answer accept to tell her I think she had a good point! ...