Following your request I went back and read EACH post in this thread.
I read (trying to surpress my ego) what you really said and tried to decide what you really meant. That is what you have done with my column (it is not an "article" -- "Strikes & Outs" is arguably the oldest column of any type on the internet) and my thoughts.
Strikes & Outs is an opinion piece. Since I sign my real name and have my picture (out dated since I am soooo much thinner now) attached it is obvious that everything I write are my feelings about issues. I do not use your specific example as a starting or ending point . . . my audience is much larger than a local Portland Umpire.
I guess my issue is two fold:
1) I guess my poor writing skills have confused what a "business" decision is and how it affects any umpire. PDX, it is my opinion, that working a game to "test" one's ability and grade oneself is a "business" decision. The "business" is the process that you are following to evaluate your abilities as rated against other umpires and other levels of baseball.
That is a "business" decision.
It isn't always about the amount of money involved. Since you know me you recognize that I feel your pain in giving up part of my work day to umpire even high school baseball -- it costs me money to umpire a high school game also.
2) My second concern about your posts is that you continue to take shots at me that are personal and not important to others on this board. I am fine with you bringing the basic issue to this thread since my column is public your concerns should also be public. My concern lies in that fact that you don't have the professionalism to even send me a private e-mail from my reftown address or even send one through my officiating.com e-mail.
Tonight you have an excellent opportunity to talk with me face-to-face. Better yet you can talk with me Saturday morning at the mandatory 3 man clinic.
I tried previously to step away from this thread and I'll try that again now . . .
Last edited by Tim C; Thu May 18, 2006 at 09:49am.