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Old Wed May 17, 2006, 09:02am
WestMichBlue WestMichBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by ASA/NYSSOBLUE
Did I handle this properly? should I have:
B - (Coach, lets end this now!) followed by A - (rolls balls and leave).

Let the SB team go watch the BB game. That might be getting over early also!

(Imagine THAT bus?)

Been there, done that. Around here competing schools send their varsity teams to one school, and host the JV teams. Only one bus is needed. That works well with varsity players; they are mature enough to study, chat, or even listen to coaches. But sub-varsity . . . . . . . . !

I coached JV ball. While it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience, the bus rides were hell. Imagine 30 teenagers (age 14/15) in the springtime - on a bus for up to an hour. Oh, we put up barriors - coaches and equipment in the middle seats; girls in front and boys in back. But that didn't stop them from talking, yelling, singing, and acting out to each other. It was like an hour long mating call.

And when our game was over we kept the post-game review to a minimum as they weren't listenening anyway. They couldn't wait to get to the baseball diamond and watch the boys!

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