Thread: So, Tim C
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Old Wed May 17, 2006, 07:58am
Tim C Tim C is offline
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Well let's see:

I don't write a "blog" . . . I write a column which I am paid for.

Also, I don't understand your point other than attempting to clarifiy the "whys" of your decision to work. My column is VERY clear that all information about deciding to work (or not) is about my personal decision.

Last if you would read the entire column and just not the tease you might understand what the column is about and my position. You would also find that I criticize both the striking umpires and the replacement umpires: however that would take effort on your part and you rather sit back, hide behind a screen name and take shots . . . that's OK it just keeps my name and column in people's minds.

Again, I recognize that I probably work games with you in Portland . . . and that you are the source of complaint to our mutal assignor . . . for that I am sad.


Last edited by Tim C; Wed May 17, 2006 at 08:01am.
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