Originally Posted by Kaliix
you have absolutely no understanding of the concept of lift. You keep trying to sound intelligent and instead you are showing futher proof of how ignorant you are.
A ball travels better in warm air because the air is less dense so there are less molecules of "air". With less "air" there is less resistance in the air so the ball travels further as air resistance decreases velocity. This less dense air however counteracts lift in planes. The less air passing over the wing, the smaller the amount of lift that is generated. That is why there is no lift in space, because there is no molecules of air.
You are darn funny though...
I appreciate the simple lecture on air density but the real argument is more complicated and off topic. The air over Denver can be colder and less dense than the air over SA simply because of altitude. A baseball will travel farther in Denver SIMPLY because of the light air, but the pitcher's MOVEMENT will also be dampen by the same light air. Pitchers struggle in Denver because their sinkers don't sink and their sliders don't slide (except this year). The PILOT was correct in his assessment of density but he did not mention all the other factors that are just as vital to LIFT.
Other characteristics in AIR also play a vital role in determining the LIFT capability of AIR such as altitude, density, pressure, temperature, humidity, ozone, smog, polutions, etc. The actual number of AIR molecules remains CONSTANT or near constant thanks to our protective ATMOSPHERE. The THICKNESS between molecules increases or decreases in distance. Does SA have a polution problem in the summer or winter? I would say the summer polution level prove those molecules are closer together in that hazy SA AIR. Most of you already ignore LIFT so asking you to accept its presence in the summer air SEAMS to be a waste of my time.