Originally Posted by Justme
... The fact that it pi$$ed you guys off is your problem..not mine.
You're not getting this, are you? You post baseball situations, one of which has absolutely no application to softball, and when that is pointed out, you cloak youself in the self-righteous egocentric insulting cover and claim that the poster who pointed out YOUR error is stupid, and then start accusing others of being immature and offended?
Who are you trying to kid?
BTW, you still haven't admitted that there was more wrong with your post that merely using the word "balk." Editing it out was nice, but ... it was not a mere "oversight" as you claim, since you originally defended it as just having the word wrong, saying anyone who could not figure this out was stupid.
Many umpires here also work both sports, but there is an obligation to know the rules of both. If you continue to view softball as baseball with changes, you'll continue to have problems with understanding the game. JMO.