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Old Tue May 16, 2006, 10:06am
UmpJM UmpJM is offline
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Sal Giaco & Mcrowder,

As mbyron & socalblue1 correctly stated, this is a dead ball and the batter is out!

6.06(c)....If a batter strikes at a ball and misses and swings so hard he carries the bat all the way around and, in the umpire's judgment, unintentionally hits the catcher or the ball in back of him on the backswing before the catcher has securely held the ball, it shall be called a strike only (not interference). The ball will be dead, however, and no runner shall advance on the play.
This is commonly referred to as "backswing" or "weak" interference. If it happens on a strike 3, the batter is out and does not become a runner on a 3rd strike not caught. If not strike 3, it's simply a strike and any other runners remain at their TOP base.

Third world, second world, first world; your world or my world; doesn't make any difference.

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