you have absolutely no understanding of the concept of lift. You keep trying to sound intelligent and instead you are showing futher proof of how ignorant you are.
A ball travels better in warm air because the air is less dense so there are less molecules of "air". With less "air" there is less resistance in the air so the ball travels further as air resistance decreases velocity. This less dense air however counteracts lift in planes. The less air passing over the wing, the smaller the amount of lift that is generated. That is why there is no lift in space, because there is no molecules of air.
You are darn funny though...
Originally Posted by SAump
I understand that cold air is more dense, but cold dense air sinks and dampens LIFT. I am trying to explain LIFT which requires warm juicey air that RISES. Say an airplane or helicopter has a max altitude or ceiling. My experience is that the colder the air, the lower the ceiling. The warmer the air, the higher the ceiling. Warm humid air provides the MOST LIFT. Glider pilots love spring and summer because of strong winds in the spring and strong thermal uplifts in the summer. Same with baseball, most batters have warning track power (300 feet) on cooler nights. But once summer time rolls around, the ball takes off 30 to 100 feet further and the number of home runs CLIMB. I think a MLB pitcher has less MOVEMENT on his fastball on a cool night. Once he gets the sweat rolling off the bill of his cap, you know he's warmed UP enough to get a RISE or 2. If any of this is wrong, let me know because I may have messed UP.