Thread: Rising fastball
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Old Mon May 15, 2006, 10:41pm
SAump SAump is offline
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The Bumble BEE Returns

Originally Posted by BigUmp56
Are you really too dumb to read the contents if the articles you post, or are you just trying to be funny? This is from the article you just posted the link for.

Calling me dumb when you actually waste your time reading that ****. This is from the article I posted, " Ken Fuld, a baseball enthusiast and visual psychophysicist at the University of New Hampshire ..." Where I come from, plagerism isn't shined upon brightly. Now what happened to you source at ASU or is just about everybody publishing this SAME research every four months? It looks like the UNH guy is now saying the exact SAME THING as the ASU guy was saying four months ago. One thing is RIGHT, both of those guys are psycho-physicist. To bad neither knows anything about HONESTY or HITTING A BASEBALL.

Take a look about what FULD said about the killer curve, "The pitch looks like it comes in straight, but during the instant the hitter is blind to the ball, a good curveball will have dropped a foot or more, and the batter will likely swing over the pitch." BUTTER. If you believe the hitter is blind to a major league curve, that a hitter cannot track the ball for a brief moment and only makes contact by swinging where he thinks the ball is going to be, then YOU ARE FULL of it TOO. I played ball and adjusted my swing as the pitch was delivered. I am not relying on past history or experience. I LIVED IN THE MOMENT and ADJUSTED MY SWING right then and there using my BRAIN to read the pitch type and location. I know that is difficult for some dweeb that can't hit a baseball very well to understand, but I don't make up the BS about how others HIT something these psycho-physicist can't hit.

This JOKE IS GETTING OLD. Another myth {perpetrated} on the interenet. Oh I remember, your physicists is smarter than my physicists. One lie told right after another. Where are the FACTS, critical thinking or scientific method? The most you can hope for is for me to believe you just because some PSYCHO_PHYSICISTS said SO. NOT! At least greymule came through when he wrote the initial post. It was well thought out and his sources are credible.

Last edited by SAump; Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:57pm.