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Old Thu Dec 27, 2001, 12:20am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Well I have had about 25 varsity contests at this point of the year. Boys and Girls both and I have to say, I WAS WRONG ABOUT THE EXPERIMENTAL RULE!!!!

For those that are not familiar, I live in Illinois which volunteered to use an experimental rule for this year. It basically was for any player that was disqualified with 5 fouls or any other reason during the game. Instead of giving a coach 30 seconds, they must substitute the player IMMEDIATELY!!! I at first thought this was asinine to make us do this. I thought that all this would do was cause conflict and confrontation because you had to request a sub as soon as you found out. I was absolutely wrong. I have had no problems at all. I have had several kids foul out, and not one problem. As a matter of fact, I have usually had the sub at the table before I can tell the coach. And had to ask the coach, "is this the sub for the fouled out player?" I have had nothing but good feelings about this rule. It makes the game move faster and it lessens the games coaches would play when a kid fouled out. No more short pep-talk to the players for the duration of the 30 seconds. No more staring sessions with the coach wishing ill-will on you after fouling out the star. I think the experiment has done exactly what they intended. Avoid confrontation.

I surely hope that they will keep this rule and change it across the board. It really does make things easier and lessens the conflict. I think the NF Rules Committee got this one correct.

And thoughts?

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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