Originally posted by johnfox
Of course, it goes around the state in the newspapers all wrong. The coach just couldn't seem to remember what he said to get the first T.
Official Stares at Coach's Pants,
Then Pukes On His Shoes!
Coach Jack Arse was given Three Technicals for Unsporting Actions at last night's game. Blah, blah, blah....
Official Willie Blowhard demonstrated a veriety of intervention strategies, but Coach Arse was determined to be "shown the door." Blah, blah, blah.....
Coach Arse's postgame press conference became very quite when he was questioned about the incident. The coach responded, "I didn't do a *(%$@#damn thing to warrant the first )@(&%@$% Technical foul. I tried to reason with that Jack@ss, but he would not talk to me in a civil tone. I had to yell to get his (@&%)(@% attention. Anymore questions?"