Originally Posted by His High Holiness
Another shameless advertisement:
Actually, this "brotherhood" has been more or less a fiction for years. The strike has only made the schism more visable. Read my series of articles for details.
I would argue that it very much depends upon what part of the country one lives. In SoCal we have very few MiLB or MLB umpires living here, so the opportunity for interaction is limited. In other areas the releationship is quite good, esp. where the MiLB umpire(s) worked out of a local organization before pro ball. Other areas - well, frankly it can be ugly.
From my experience, a poor relationship often goes to a lack of understanding & communication between the groups. I have heard many MiLB AND NCAA umpires comment that while doing clinics for HS or college level umpires they often do not see the drive or desire that they have come to expect, which leads to a lack of respect in many cases.