Thread: Hand Raising
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Old Wed Dec 26, 2001, 10:56pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally posted by Air JC
What other officiating mechanics/rules have gone to the wayside from "way back when"? I know there used to be jump balls between hoops, and the raising hands for fouls, but were there others? I know I'm probably showing my youth with this question, but it's an interesting subject.
They've changed a pile since I started,but they broke my heart when they took this one out.Way back(1959),we didn't have to handle the ball at all in the backcourt on violations.If I remember right,the clock didn't stop either.FIBA later went to this rule.I felt like puking on the whole rules committee's shoes when they changed this one.:Btw,when I started,the uniform was a long-sleeved,B&W broadcloth shirt that had to be buttoned at the wrists.They were hotter than hell.
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