Would you Eject??
Had a strange sort of incident on the weekend, not sure when my partner should have ejected, and sort of if??
Partners strike zone not the best but mostly consistent. Early in count middle of the game, low pitch, probably too low but Called a strike. Partner definatly had a low zone. The 3rd base coach (HEAD COACH) says loud enough for me to hear in A, "That is not a strike!!!, come on!!" partner glares but nothing more, Coach continues to ramble but not much said.
The on what turns out to be the last batter of the game a similar but Better pitch is also called a strike to start the batter. Coach says the same thing again loud, and my partner tosses him for arguing Balls and Strikes.
My question is when or would you have tossed him. Personally my thought was after the first pitch, however, my partner did tell me he felt he missed that one, so he didn't eject. I agree with his stance on that point. My partner also felt the other pitch was one he had called all game. Would this change your decision.
Personally I don't like him using the word Strike, I think there are so many ways for him to express his displeasure that would not have been such an obvious arguing Balls and Strikes.