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Old Mon May 15, 2006, 10:05am
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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Screwed up BOO - Do you intervene?

OK, proper order is #10, #6, #9, #1. #9 is their best, and only really good player.

#10 walks. #9 comes up and hits a home run. #6 comes to the plate and takes a pitch (#9's homer is now legit.) After the pitch, coaches come out to complain. I listened very carefully to their arguments and only responded directly to what they said. ALL of the comments were about #9 being the improper batter. Not once does anyone protest or even mention that #6 is also out of order.

So I left #6 out there - waiting for either offense or defense to mention taht #6 shouldn't be out there, but neither do. I KNOW the offensive coach was aware that she was risking an out here, but saw the opportunity to get #9 to the plate again. Then after #6's out, coaches blow up (it takes my best "Game management" to keep these coaches in the game) as #9 comes up again, and yet again, NO ONE mentions protesting #6.

So #9 came up and hit another homer.

My question - do ANY of you, at any point in this, mention that #6 is wrong, or perhaps even direct #1 to take over #6's at bat after the first pitch? And if so, at what point do you do something... or do you simply do what I did?
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