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Old Sun May 14, 2006, 03:21pm
UmpJM UmpJM is offline
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Originally Posted by IceGator8
Ok, I'm the catcher. There's a passed ball which I go back to field. I whirl and throw down to third. The batter has stepped into my line of fire outside the box. Throw hits batter. How are you going to judge my intent?

I'm just curious.

In your sitch, this sounds like the catcher making a legitimate attempt by the F2 to retire the runner - play the bounce.

If, on the other hand, the F2 had adjusted his throwing lane so as to bring the batter "in line" or obviously threw in a direction away from any play so as to hit the batter, I would be more inclined to judge that it was his intent to hit the batter rather than make a play.

In your sitch, if I felt the batter was making a legitimate (though ill-fated) attempt to stay out of the way, it would be "nothing". If, on the other hand, he intentionally got in the way (or stayed in the way when he had ample opportunity to get out of the way), it would be appropriate to judge that he interfered.

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