Thread: Rising fastball
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Old Sat May 13, 2006, 12:27am
SAump SAump is offline
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Wink Gravity and SPIN

Originally Posted by BigUmp56
In the past four months as this debate has raged I've done mathematical calculations myself to prove the impossibility of a baseball thrown overhand rising, posted studies by noted physicists and image physiologists. Yet for some reason I can only attribute to stubborness there are at least two of you who feel you know better. This will hopefully be my last post on this subject. Feel free to believe what ever science fiction you want to. The fact is, and I do mean fact, that it's impossible for a baseball thrown overhand to escape it's initial velocity vector.
STUBBORNESS. I can only agree that I may have been stubborn in my refusal to release the SHIFT key despite angry protest from the community. I did so under the pretense of self-expression and style unique to my own writing craft and self-entertaining thoughts of BLAH BLAH BLAH.

From the beginning, I supported my position that the Popular Mechanics article was pseudo-science. It relies on a very elementary premise that gravity (Newton) and spin (Bernoulli) accurately describe the motion of a 100 mph fastball. Therefore, I must conclude that your premise that, "A fastball thrown overhand cannot rise" is only TRUE because that is the logical conclusion of your pre-determined choice. In laymens terms, if you go looking for only a drop ball, you'll find a drop ball and maybe through sheer accident, perhaps you may recognize a curve to one side or the other.

I proposed that a RISE was possible. I stated that I could not prove the possibility of a RISING fastball without introducing the concept of LIFT. My attempts to introduce LIFT have been thwarted despite the fact that it is also as observable in nature as gravity. It has also been commonly accepted by the scientific community. I do suppose that when you decide to go looking for a RISE ball, you will find it. Of course, it doesn't exist until YOU decide to look for and discover it at the most oppertune time. Please let me know when you decipher the rise ball so that I can announce it to the world.