Originally Posted by BigUmp56
From the Wikepedia:
In the past four months as this debate has raged I've done mathematical calculations myself to prove the impossibility of a baseball thrown overhand rising, posted studies by noted physicists and image physiologists. Yet for some reason I can only attribute to stubborness there are at least two of you who feel you know better. This will hopefully be my last post on this subject. Feel free to believe what ever science fiction you want to. The fact is, and I do mean fact, that it's impossible for a baseball thrown overhand to escape it's initial velocity vector.
I'm sorry I missed this the first time.
Can you, unlike Robert Adair, solve the equations and mathematically calculate accurately the flight of a baseball?
Maybe Robert Adair, the once official physicist of MLB is one of the few intellectually honest physicists weighing in on this subject because he is not pretending to know everything and admits that there is unpredictability in a baseballs movement.
I bet you disagree, you think the scientific community knows it all and there is nothing left to learn. Facts are facts don't confuse me with unsolved equations and unpredictable flight patterns. I know what I know and by golly if you don't agree you're an idiot.
Oh and could someone give me the definition of stubborn?