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Old Fri May 12, 2006, 02:17pm
Back In The Saddle Back In The Saddle is offline
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Originally Posted by jeffpea
As a former D1 asst. coach, I would never want someone "learning on the job" during the playoffs.
Hmmm, isn't that what being an assistant D1 coach is all about? I guess it's time to give them the heave-ho. And what about new D1 head coaches? I guess they're out too. Take a good look around D1, 'cause those are your coaches from here on out.

Oh, and let's not forget the players. I mean, if "learning on the job" is such a bad thing, then from today let's not put anyone in the game who hasn't been in before. And only those who have started may start. It'll save a ton on recruiting budgets. Of course, what are we going to do about graduation?

Officials who aren't learning something from every game are either already perfect, or going nowhere. And what if one of those top-rated officials has never worked the playoffs before? Then what? Scratch 'em because you don't want them "learning on the job?" Good call. It'll become something akin to a matter of national security to keep Dick Baveta working well past 100.
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
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