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Old Fri May 12, 2006, 08:36am
DaveASA/FED DaveASA/FED is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 962
As Irish mentioned it is not OBS until the runner reacts to the catchers presence, thus it impedes her travel around the bases. Sounds like, solely based on your defination that it was hindering your runners as they were struggling to get a toe to touch the plate. At that point PU should raise left arm with fist clinched (delayed dead ball signal) to signify that they are calling OBS, some will verbally say "obstruction" while doing this. Now preventive umpiring would be to tell catcher that they are obstructing the runner by standing on the plate without the ball, maybe even a little talk with the coach (this depends on the level of the team in question), this is an accident waiting to happen, some crashes into F2 could get ejected but also could knock F2 out of the game. Even more likely runner makes a hard, legal slide and takes F2 out, thinking the ball must be close or she wouldn't be standing on the plate......F2 injured runner safe not a good day at the park for the catcher.

And what Irish is pointing out about the spectator umpire is the fact that those of us that are known as umpires try VERY hard to not comment on game plays during that play. Or if we do we make sure that we comment on how the umpire could have ruled like they did. "He/she must have judged that....." by being an umpire and disagreeing with a call during a game only gives unruly fans ammo to yell at the umpires with and that doesn't do anyone any good!! It is amazing how calm someone can ask you a question and then turn around and be the biggest jerk yelling at the umpires on the field!! So in general terms I agree with Irish it is best for specators to remain specators even if they have blue in their veins (or even on their backs {dressed for the next game}). However, I do agree with you that reminding a coach of a rule that could get their players ejected if they don't follow, and to me more importantly could lead to an injury is acceptable!!
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