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Old Thu May 11, 2006, 10:41pm
BlueLawyer BlueLawyer is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 170
Originally Posted by RPatrino
Blue Lawyer was right. But he didn't say don't do anything unless the police would arrest the fan. Now, for a fan's behavior to warrant arrest, it must be very serious, possibly an assult, drunk in public or something like that. . . .
bob P.
I have become much mellower in my old age (I haven't dumped anybody in five years- almost happened the other night- different story), but I still would run all three of those fans.

Cops will arrest folks for most anything here in God's Country. My standard has little to do with what the police will arrest for- it has to do with the time, the place, the kids I am umpiring, the game and the behavior. For example, some drunk jackass cussing me has happened more than a few times since that first game. It happened most recently (that I heard it) in an adult league game last summer. Granted, there were three fans there, and one third of the crowd was drunk and cussing me. But with old fat guys like me on the field, I just ignored it and umped on. I'm not going to put up with that in youth baseball. Anybody who interferes with an official function leaves my field too.

Strikes and outs!
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