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Old Thu May 11, 2006, 09:55pm
spots101 spots101 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 138
I'm not the enemy.

Junior High Championship Game. Bases empty. 2 out of 3 pitches come whizzing by my head [I]without[I] the catcher even lifting his glove to catch the ball. I stop the cather on his way back from the mound to tell him to at least make an attempt to catch the ball. With or without the mask I have to work in the morning.

Coach comes out and asks what I told his catcher. I told him and he said, "He didn't do it on purpose." "I know coach but I want to be able to make calls without thinking the balls gonna take my mask off."

He then does the typical rat dance - turning away with arms in the air in disgust.
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