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Old Thu May 11, 2006, 01:31pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
Posts: 14,927
B. Compression Sleeves. There has been an increase in players wearing sleeves for various reasons. Compression sleeves worn for medical reasons are legal.
I officiate in Allen Iverson's hometown, I'm gonna have to ask for a lot of doctor's notes

5. Rules Enforcement and Proper Use of Signals
The committee has seen a movement away from the consistent application of rule enforcement and use of approved mechanics/signals.
A. Rules Enforcement. Officials need to be aware that personal interpretations of the rules have a negative impact on the game. The rules are written to provide a balance between offense and defense, minimize risks to participants, promote the sound tradition of the game and promote fair play. Individual philosophies and deviations from the rules as written negatively impact the basic fundamentals and tenants of the rules. Officials must be consistent in the application of all rules, including:
• Contact – Contact that is not considered a foul early in the game should not be considered a foul late in the game simply because a team “wants” to foul. Conversely, contact that is deemed intentional late in the game should likewise be called intentional early in the game.

B. Proper Signal Use. Signals are a means of communication by officials to scorers, players, coaches, spectators and media. Deviation from approved NFHS signals is unacceptable.
Looks like somebody on the NFHS rules committee has been peaking at some of our forum arguments.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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