The other Q is applies to mc's example of "If BOO, subsequently legitimized, causes a player already on base to be the proper batter, said batter is skipped. In this case, if B9 batted and was not appealed for BOO, the next batter is B1 (F1 in this case) - who TECHNICALLY is still on base, thus making B2 the proper batter (still on base too, you say? Then B3). Isn't, then, F1 not just BOO, but an illegal substitute for B2?"
If there was a CR, and the BOO of B9 was not appealed, does the CR being on base count as B1 still on base (also B2), so is B3 the correct batter?
If that is true and B1 bats again after B9, given that B3 is the "correct batter" is it now BOO or nothing?
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.