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Old Wed May 10, 2006, 12:55pm
Al Al is offline
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Originally Posted by mcrowder
Don't use the "X number of feet" or "she lost 2 steps" idea. Here's what you're looking for.

AT THE MOMENT of the obstruction, you determine where a runner would have gotten to. If you, AT THAT MOMENT, felt he/she wouldn't have scored, then you ruled correctly. If you, AT THAT MOMENT, felt he/she would have scored, then (nearly) regardless of what else happens, you've protected them (and will award them if necessary) to home. There are a few "post-obstruction" events that you can use to alter your original award, but it doesn't sound like any of them apply here (and that's probably a separate post).

Also - don't explain the rule to the coach using a "X number of feet" idea either ... or one of us will have to unexplain it to him when he's coaching 12U.
Got it! ...Thanks! At the moment of the OBS there was no way to determine if she would have beaten the fielder to the plate. Some of the kids run really slow and others fly. In this case the fielder was fast and the runner was slow. But after I seen how far short she was I knew for sure she would not have made it to the plate before the fielder, even if there was no OBS. I'll remember to never give X number of feet to any coach, but depending on the sitch just say to any inquiring coach "she would, or would not, have made it had the obstruction not accured. ...Nothin' like fun at the ole' ball park! ...Al
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