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Old Wed May 10, 2006, 11:59am
left coast left coast is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 26
Originally Posted by DIV2ump
Are the AMLU guys including their spring training pay in the nubmers they are throwing around? I didn't get the impression that they were including it in those numbers so you can count march if they aren't.

I think its hard to compare an umpiring job to people working 8 or 10 hour days. A lot of people would love to go to the ballpark for work.

Your thoughts on the difficulty of travel are valid.
MiLB negotiated a new deal for the umpires this year to get paid $100 per day (not game) during Spring Training. MiLB did not need to do this, but negotiated with the teams on behalf of the umpires who were threatening to strike.
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