Originally Posted by BlueLawyer
4. $15,000 is PLENTY of money for 5 months of work. The fact that the umpires have experienced a net pay cut over the life of the contract with inflation (in particular, health care costs and gasoline) is irrelevant. Any adult can live on $20 a day eating out and maintain a non-Froemming-like physique.
Don't want to get into the middle of this fine lawyer talk but I understood from talking to some umps that MiLB has absorbed all of the health care premium increases and the gasoline charge is reimbursed at the IRS rate. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. So MiLB would be paying those inflationary costs. Also, in some leagues (Double A maybe) the leagues provide and pay for vans.
Some current or former umps can elaborate but I've also heard that umps will often get special perqs like discounted or free golf and health club memberships because of minor league club's deals. I'm sure the IRS would consider this income, not that anyone in america would report it as such. And from what I understand the umps load up on the free hotel breakfast and get fed at the park, so often it's one meal a day and snacks that we're talking about with per diem.
Don't have the energy (or courtroom skills!) to tackle the other points. I'll leave that to the perry masons on the board.