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Old Wed May 10, 2006, 02:29am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Back In The Saddle
I'm not sure a dribbler can slap the ball during a jump:

ART. 3 . . . The jump ball begins when the ball leaves the referee's hand(s) and ends when the touched ball contacts a nonjumper, the floor, a basket or backboard.

The jump ball ends the very instant the dribbler contacts the tapped ball, does it not? Then following through with a batting or slapping motion becomes part of the next play?
Excellent point. So only if the "dribbler" was a designated jumper are we sure that no violation occurred.

Otherwise we are back to judging player control. A player can slap or bat a ball prior to establishing player control following the jump, right? And that slap or bat doesn't have to constitute a dribble.

So I'd say that like most aspects of basketball officiating this call comes down to the official's judgment. If you believed that there was player control and hence a dribble, as you put in your original post, then I believe that you are honor-bound to call the violation. However, if you truly believe that the player had not yet established control, then you should leave it alone.
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