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Old Wed May 10, 2006, 02:08am
WhatWuzThatBlue WhatWuzThatBlue is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 760
I think you answered your question.

5. The AMLU guys all took the job knowing that MiLB thinks Scrooge's main problem was his boundless generosity. Therefore, the AMLU guys deserve to make what they make

If you go to work in the coal mines of WV, you don't get to complain about emphesyma. There are many people in America that work for sweatshop wages and don't have medical or dental. They work twelve months a year and don't cry about it. No one forced them to take the job in the Minors. Lastly and most importantly, it has been referenced here and times - the AMLU boys make more at their 'side jobs' than they earn umpiring for PBUC. So let's do the math...that 10-15,000 gets doubled and they are still unhappy. Their plight might not strike a chord in the heartland where a farmer gets by on less than that.

I've said it before and you keep ignoring it...they are taking the chance on a dream. They put in the practice, hours and make huge sacrifices all in the name of a slim shot at fame and money. That sounds an awful lot like actors and musicians. In a supply and ddemand society, they get paid for the task they perform not what they are worth. Few of us think that they should get paid what they do, but we'll be damned if we will get bullied into backing 220 guys who think that they are God's gift. An awful lot of men are proving otherwise. By the way, get an almanac and see how many bench clearng brawls happened under the AMLU watch. Check out how many misdeeds and blunders occured under that watch. It will be apparent that the month of amateurs holding the fort is in pretty good company.

$30K for 5 months work??? Yeah, that makes sense when the average Minor League ball player makes less than that. The umpires are not that important and AMLU guys are even less.
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