I previously posted "Myth Buster" which basically states the same thing on another thread started by Your Boss, "AMLU rejects proposal." I was working with the bottom figures to try to establish where the 12% offer, which I stated never existed, came from.
"Did AMLU turn down 12% RAISE? Article stated, "Minor League umpires reject 12 percent raise." It must be true.
Per diem OFFER increased from $25 to $27, less than 10%.
Salary OFFER increased from $10,000 to $10,500, exactly 5%.
Last I checked $3.57/$60 falls just short of 6%.
I suppose the AMLU looks pretty dumb turning their noses at a 12% RAISE that never existed. ONE SCAB I read about got a 50% RAISE. Perhaps PBUC would consider that 12% raise across the BOARD."
One WWTB even challenged me by stating, "You say it never existed, while some pretty involved sources say otherwise. Were you at the table, like Yund and Mobley?" Hmmm, I think NOT. I have since read several other sources quoting this 12% pay raise offer. I can only ascertain that it may have existed and that nobody is talking about it.