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Old Tue May 09, 2006, 02:10pm
Andy Andy is offline
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Location: Glendale, AZ
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From talking to some baseball umpires over the last couple of years, I have heard that this is something that is being tried in two umpire baseball games.

Runner on third only, the BU will start in the B position.

The reasoning is that with less than two outs, a ground ball to the infield will be thrown to first after checking the runner at third. With two outs, the play will go to first and disregard the runner at third. Having the BU in the B postion puts him closer to the call at first instead of having to make a long distance call from the C position with a bad angle. The trade off is on the swipe tag of a runner diving back to third and the attempted pick off of the runner on third, but it is felt that those plays happen much less frequently than the play to first.

I have no opinion one way or the other since I don't do baseball, just repeating what I have heard.
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